Interior and Northern Alaska: A Natural History (book)

Interior and Northern Alaska A Natural History

Price: $34.95
Shipping: $6.00 priority

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Meet the species native to Alaska- the animals and plants that have been around for ages, as well as those that died out eons ago. How did these creatures manage to survive the extremes of Alaska’s environment? How did Alaskan dinosaurs handle months without sun and freezing temperatures? How have present-day animals and plants adapted to the harsh winters?

Read about the Far North and you will discover that animal survival depends not only on size, coloring, and skin covering, but also on behavior.  Smith highlights the most interesting of Alaska’s residents- mighty moose, mighty small bats, haymaking pikas, sun-following poppies, salmon, and “color-changing ptarmigan, ermine and hares.

Ron asks questions we might not think of to discover the wonders of this wild land. How can a ponderously slow-growing evergreen ever survive when it is surrounded by rapidly growing deciduous trees? Why don’t voles grow to the size of beavers?

Building upon the discoveries of Alaska’s extinct dinosaurs, ice-age mammals, and plants and the interrelationships of current species, Smith looks to the future. How are human impacts and climate fluctuations likely to affect the current flora and fauna?

Past, present, or future, our country’s final frontier continues to fascinate. Take this journey within and around Alaska for a unique tour of its incredible inhabitants.

Interior and Northern Alaska Coloring Book

Interior and northern alaska Coloring Book Cover

Price: $8.00
Shipping: $2.00


This coloring book contains twenty-five images of flowers, lichens, caribou, salmon, grayling, fox, murre, jaeger, ptarmigan, muskox skulls, plant succession, solifluction lobes, and others. All were drawn by Mareca Guthrie for Ron Smith’s book Interior and Northern Alaska: A Natural History. Each page has a drawing to be colored, some science information about the image, and coloring suggestions.  And, pages are perforated for easy removal.

How Not to Die Hunting in Alaska

How Not to Die Hunting

Price: $15.95
Shipping: $6.00 priority

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Everyone, from big-game hunter to outdoors enthusiast on the couch, will laugh at the exploits Ron Smith and his friends get into in their hunting adventures. You may even nod knowingly as he recounts stupidities in the field that strike just a bit too close to home.

Better than a cat, Ron has lived through more than a dozen near-death experiences in search of game, and he gives you How Not to Die Hunting in Alaska to keep you from stretching your luck. Amid the “Why would anyone do that?” stories and Jeanne Mars Armstrong’s laugh out loud cartoons, Ron gives sage advice. His humorous accounts just hammer in the message for safety in the outdoors.

The experienced will pick up pointers for more successful hunting. The novices will start smart by learning from Ron’s mistakes- and live to tell their own tales of How Not to Die Hunting in Alaska.

Alaska Science High School Curriculum Packet

SOTA Edu booklet-HS

Price: $125.00
Shipping: $6.00 priority

Items included: Interior and Northern Alaska: A Natural History book, Spirit of the Arctic DVD, and High School Curriculum CD.


Alaska Science Elementary Curriculum Packet

SOTA Edu booklet-Elmnt

Price: $125.00
Shipping: $6.00 priority

Items included: Interior and Northern Alaska: A Natural History book, Spirit of the Arctic DVD, and Elementary Curriculum CD.


Alaska Science High School & Elementary Curriculum Packets

SOTA Edu booklet-HS

SOTA Edu booklet-Elmnt

Price: $165.00
Shipping: $6.00 priority

Items included: Interior and Northern Alaska: A Natural History book, Spirit of the Arctic DVD, and both curriculum CDs.

Spirit of the Arctic ™ DVD


Price: $20.00

To purchase the Spirit of the Arctic DVD separately, please go to


A timeless northern journey of natural sounds, wrapped in Native voices and music matched by images of Alaskan wildlife and landscapes. Included with each DVD is a booklet that names each image including the Alaska Native dialect name. Animal vocalizations are heard as the animal's image is viewed.